
Understanding DataFrame Concatenation
Why You Should Avoid Using DataFrame Concatenation Inside Loops or Recursion?

Understanding DataFrame Concatenation

When you concatenate two DataFrames, you essentially create a new DataFrame that includes the rows or columns of both. This operation requires allocating new memory and copying the data from the original DataFrames to the new one.

The Basic Concatenation Operation

If you have two DataFrames, df1 with n rows and df2 with m rows, the concatenation operation has a complexity of O(n + m), because each row from df1 and df2 must be copied into the new DataFrame.

Concatenation Inside a Loop

Now, consider a loop that runs k times, where in each iteration a new row or a small DataFrame with a constant number of rows c is concatenated to an accumulating DataFrame.

The Loop Structure

result_df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(k):
    # small_df has c rows
    small_df = create_small_df() 
    result_df = pd.concat([result_df, small_df])

Complexity Analysis

In the first iteration, the complexity is O(c) (just the size of small_df). In the second iteration, the complexity is O(c + c) because you’re concatenating the result_df (now with c rows) with another small_df (with c rows). This pattern continues, leading to a cumulative complexity:

O(c) + O(2c) + O(3c) + … + O(kc)

This series is equivalent to O(c(1 + 2 + 3 + … + k)), which simplifies to O(ck(k + 1)/2).

Since we’re interested in the Big O notation, we focus on the highest order term and constants are not considered, so this simplifies further to O(ck²), which is quadratic complexity.

Concatenation in Recursion

In a recursive function that concatenates a DataFrame on each call, a similar pattern emerges. The complexity increases with the depth of the recursion.

Recursive Function Structure

def recursive_concat(df, depth):
    if depth == 0:
        return df
    small_df = create_small_df() 
    return recursive_concat(pd.concat([df, small_df]), depth - 1)

result_df = recursive_concat(pd.DataFrame(), k)

Complexity Analysis

The complexity is similar to the loop case, growing quadratically with the depth of the recursion.

In both looping and recursive scenarios, the use of DataFrame concatenation leads to a quadratic increase in complexity (O(ck²)). This is highly inefficient, especially for large values of k, as it involves a substantial amount of data copying and memory allocation. The efficient alternative is to collect data first (in a list or similar structure) and then concatenate it in a single operation outside the loop or recursive calls. This approach reduces the complexity to linear, O(n), where n is the total number of rows to concatenate.