OAS2Tree is a visualization tool presented both as a Web Application and a VSCode Extension. It allows visualizing the tree structure of an API using its OpenAPI specification using an intuitive graphical notation, and highlighting issues and design smells.
The web application is available at: http://api-ace.inf.usi.ch/openapi-to-tree/
The VS-code extension is available at: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=oas2tree.oas2tree
Paper pre-print: OAS2Tree: Visual API-First Design
Link to paper: ExpressO: From Express.js Implementation Code to OpenAPI Interface Descriptions
Deme video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y1ZRwFHIgw
Link the command-line tool: https://www.npmjs.com/package/expresso-api
APIcture is a comprehensive tool designed to empower researchers, developers, and users to gain deeper insights into the evolution of web APIs. It introduces an innovative approach to visualizing API changes and versioning strategies, enabling users to comprehend the temporal sequence of changes, assess compatibility issues, and understand versioning practices. The tool generates two main visualizations: API Changes and API Version Clock. The former provides a detailed view of changes occurring at specific time intervals, while the latter offers an overarching view of version upgrades and change patterns. Our Artifact Evaluation submission presents APIcture, detailing its functionality, utilization, and practicality to generate API evolution visualizations.
Research paper: Interactively Exploring API Changes and Versioning Consistency
Link to the command-line tool: https://www.npmjs.com/package/apict
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/souhailaS/APIcture
contact: souhaila.serbout@usi.ch
@DESIGN Research Group,
Software Institute, USI
Lugano, Switzerland